Do You Need a Dedicated Circuit for a Trash Compactor?

When it comes to electric garbage compactors, the answer is a resounding yes. A dedicated circuit of 15 to 20 amperes, volts, 60 Hz, alternating current is required for safe and correct operation. This circuit should be time-delayed and not connected to the main switch, as this could cause a shortage. Smaller portable trash compactors may be able to connect to a 115-volt outlet.

Additionally, garbage shredders and dishwashers can sometimes be connected to the same circuit. Manual compactors are not as effective as electric versions, but they still have a significant impact on the amount of trash that leaves your home. These compactors have lids that act as presses, allowing you to crush the garbage underneath by pushing it down. This reduces the volume of waste, meaning fewer trips to the sidewalk with garbage bags, lower garbage collection bills if you pay per bag, and less space taken up in the home and in landfills.

Odor can also be an issue with manual compactors that don't have carbon filters, since garbage isn't taken out as often. If you're considering adding a garbage compactor to your home, it's important to understand the requirements for installation and use. When it comes to electric garbage compactors, a dedicated circuit of 15 to 20 amperes is required for safe and correct operation. Additionally, garbage shredders and dishwashers can sometimes be connected to the same circuit. Manual compactors are not as effective as electric versions, but they still have a significant impact on the amount of trash that leaves your home. This reduces the volume of waste, meaning fewer trips to the sidewalk with garbage bags, lower garbage collection bills if you pay per bag, and less space taken up in the home and in landfills. Odor can also be an issue with manual compactors that don't have carbon filters, since garbage isn't taken out as often.

If you're considering adding a garbage compactor to your home, it's important to understand the requirements for installation and use. Installing an electric compactor requires a dedicated circuit of 15 to 20 amperes that is not connected to the main switch. This will ensure that your compactor operates safely and correctly. Additionally, garbage shredders and dishwashers can sometimes be connected to the same circuit. Manual compactors are not as effective as electric versions but still have a significant impact on reducing the amount of trash that leaves your home. This reduces the volume of waste, meaning fewer trips to the sidewalk with garbage bags, lower garbage collection bills if you pay per bag, and less space taken up in the home and in landfills. Odor can also be an issue with manual compactors that don't have carbon filters since garbage isn't taken out as often.

If you're considering adding a garbage compactor to your home, it's important to understand all of these requirements for installation and use.